Home NEWS International Latin American footwear industry gathered in Chile

Latin American footwear industry gathered in Chile


Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela were represented in the event held last month in Santiago, Chile. Several delegates, representing the footwear associations, as well as entrepreneurs and representatives from the Chilean authorities were gathered to reflected on some of the most relevant issues impacting the footwear industry in Latin America. Representatives from the footwear associations and chambers informed the audience about the state of the industry of their respective countries, and then discussed themes such as the strategy of sustainable development, innovation and the best measures to promote the Footwear Sector in Latin American. Some of the topics under discussion included: -The adoption of regional labeling or labeling standards, incorporating protocols of certified laboratories regionally recognized;  The adoption of regional standards for the sizing of footwear; Consensual and harmonized co-participation in the signing of agreements, bilateral and multilateral treaties, and alliances signed by the countries of the Region; The exchange of projects and experiences of trade union development that can be exchanged and made transparent; The preparation of proposals aimed at harmonizing and improving the customs services of the Region in chapters inherent to the leather and footwear industries. All delegates agreed on the importance to study deeply the topic of the new technologies and the digitalization of the industry, as this will have a massive impact in the footwear industry and its medium-term development. The next edition of the Meeting of the Latin America Footwear Associations will take place in León, Guanajuato, Mexico, in May 2018.