Home NEWS International Under Armour teams up with The Rock

Under Armour teams up with The Rock


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the new voice of Under Armour — or at l east the voice of its new advertising spot for the brand’s HealthBox fitness-technology package.

The one-minute video, titled “One Push,” debuted Johnson’s Instagram account and is airing on YouTube and Underarmour.com. It features a voice-over by the wrestler-turned-actor, outlining the benefits of technology.

For instance, he explains, one tap on a smartphone can get you food, flowers or a ride. Or: “With one push of a button, a stranger will go on a date with you, leave their home so you can make it your own, change your tire, steam your shirt, wash your pants …” You get the idea.

But technology can only do so much, according to the commercial, created by New York-based ad agency Droga5. The spot ends with a shot of an athlete embarking on a run, clothed in Under Armour gear, including the brand’s HealthBox-connected wristband.

And then we hear this from Johnson: Or with one push of a button, nothing happens — unless you make it happen.”

The commercial marks Johnson’s first appearance in a major piece of Under Armour marketing, although the two partners, who teamed up in January, unveiled their first product collaboration in early March.
Under Armour’s “Rule Yourself” global brand campaign has been rolling out other high-impact ad spots recently, including intense videos featuring the USA Gymnastics Women’s National Team and Michael Phelps, showing the lengths they go to in order to achieve greatness.