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Marks & Spencer outlines new plan

Photo/Paul McErlane

Marks & Spencer’s chief executive Steve Rowe has revealed how he hopes to turn around the troubled retailer’s fashion offering. It involves getting rid of repetitive capsule collections; improving style, fit and quality; and pleasing the company’s loyal customer, who he referred to as “Mrs M&S”.

“We need to cherish her and give her what she needs. Our customers look to M&S not for fashion trends but for accessible products they can wear with confidence. Quality will remain central to our thinking. Whether buying T-shirts or dresses; socks or suits; vests or school uniform, our customers will recognise M&S has returned to being famous for unrivalled quality,” Rowe said.
When Rowe took over in April, he said, “The brand had not been as stylish as customers wanted us to be.