Santa Maria di Sala, 1st March 2021. Recently, the reduction and optimization of energy consumption have become key factors not only to safeguard our planet, but also to save money.
Main Group Technologies – the benchmark for injection moulding machinery intended for the main footwear productions – has developed a new sophisticated technology applied to the DELT-UP line which includes cutting-edge rotary machines able to inject boots with up to three colours in thermoplastic materials and ensure significant energy savings.
The integration of special stand-alone pumps, controlled by brushless motors has increased the efficiency of the whole production process: in fact, the energy consumption for the production of tricoloured boots was reduced by 30% and the noise decreased by 70%.
Moreover, the power of the refrigerator used to cool the oil in the hydraulic unit has been reduced by 80%, and the oil life cycle has been tripled. In fact, it can be replaced every 30,000 hours instead of the previous 10,000 hours.
These new technological solutions also offer an economic competitive advantage, since they cut off the ordinary maintenance costs by 50% on valves and electronic boards.
“We are very glad to have completed this important project, which largely exceeded our initial expectations,” Mariano Bonato, the chairman of the company says. “It is a further step towards the smart revolution of Main Group Technologies, which aims at increasing and optimizing the production efficiency of its machines in terms of costs and energy savings.”
Main Group Technologies boasts unique technological know-how, the result of the intense activity of the research and development department, which allows the company to hold a strategic position within the footwear machinery market.