Home NEWS India “Proposed BIS standards raise concerns among footwear industry stakeholders”

“Proposed BIS standards raise concerns among footwear industry stakeholders”



Concerned about the proposed BIS standards, various footwear industry associations are congregating in Agra at 11am on 1st April,23 at Agra Trade Centre to discuss the potential impact of the standards. Industry insiders are worried that the mandatory nature of the standards could adversely affect their creativity and ability to predict designs and dimensions, particularly for fashion footwear. The meeting is expected to bring together key stakeholders in the industry to exchange views and suggest improvements to the standards. The industry is keen to work with the BIS to find a solution that balances the need for quality and consumer safety while also allowing for creative freedom and innovation. CIFI has organized a meeting with the Agra Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Chamber (AFMEC), to help industry understand and enable them to prepare. Members of IFCOMA, AFMEC, CIFI, CLE, ASMA​ and FAFM would be present in the Interactive Session as the BIS Standards which are being introduced affects all the stakeholders. 

The industry is expressing worries over the proposed BIS standards becoming mandatory for all types of footwear except for handmade ones and those made by units with less than a certain turnover. These quality control norms for leather shoes and other compound footwear are going to be implemented to contain imports and the production of sub-standard products in India. This notice covers different leather footwear, counting anti-riot shoes and safety boots too. 

“The proposed BIS standards are causing concern within the industry as they are set to become mandatory for all types of footwear. Industry insiders are worried that it may be challenging to predict designs and dimensions, particularly for fashion footwear. They have expressed the need for the standards not to hinder the industry’s creativity. Additionally, the industry is engaging with the BIS to provide its feedback on the standards.” Amit Chopra, MD Shoes & Accessories. 

“As per the last notification from the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), its mandatory that all footwear manufacturers obtain a BIS certificate, and ensure their products comply with the relevant Indian Standard and bear the Standard Mark (ISI Mark) under a license from the Bureau. The sale of leather or other materials footwear without the ISI Mark will be considered illegal under this order. The mandate requires that all manufacturers obtain BIS certification, without which they will not be legally permitted to produce footwear. Non-compliance may result in significant fines. Furthermore, foreign manufacturers must obtain a BIS certificate for import in India through an Authorized Indian Representative appointment if they wish to sell shoes in India. Distributors and sellers are advised to import or sell only ISI mark footwear to ensure consumer safety and trust.” As per (Quality Control) Order, of DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, BIS certification is mandatory for Footwear made from Leather and other materials. 

It is mandatory for footwear manufacturers and importers to obtain a BIS certificate/license of footwear to use the standard ISI mark on footwear. Footwear without the ISI mark is not permitted to be sold in the country.

The department has issued three quality control orders which are going to cover and lie footwear made from rubber/polymeric material, leather and other materials and PPE footwear in the mandatory certification of BIS. 

The following three QCOs are: 

  1. Footwear made from Leather and other materials (Quality Control) Order, 2020
  2. Footwear made from all-Rubber and all Polymeric material and its components (Quality Control) Order, 2020
  3. Personal Protective Equipment – Footwear (Quality Control) Order, 2020

BIS Certification for Leather Footwear and Footwear Compound:

The products embedded in the QCO “Footwear made from leather and other materials (Quality control) order, 2020’ are boots, safety shoes, canvas boots rubber sole, canvas shoes rubber sole, sports footwear, derby shoes, and anti-riot shoes. Table Down Below explains the kind of footwear, their standards, and the title of the standard specified in “Footwear made From Leather and Other Materials (Quality Control) order 2020.

Sr. No.Name of FootwearIndian StandardTitle of Indian Standard
1Leather safety boots and shoes IS 1989 (Part 1): 1986Specification for leather safety boots and shoes Part 1 for miners Specification for leather safety boots and shoes Part 2 for heavy metal industries 
Canvas Shoes Rubber SoleIS 3735: 1996 Canvas Shoes, Rubber Sole- Specification 
Canvas Boots Rubber Sole IS 3736: 1995 Canvas Boots, Rubber Sole- Specification 
Safety Rubber Canvas Boots for Miners IS 3736: 1995 Safety Rubber Canvas Boots for Miners- Specification 
Leather safety footwear having direct molded rubber sole IS 11226: 1993 Leather safety footwear having direct molded rubber sole-Specification 
Leather safety footwear with direct molded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sole IS 14544: 1998 Leather safety footwear with direct molded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sole – Specification 
Sports footwear IS 15844: 2010 Sports Footwear- Specification 
High ankle tactical boots with PU – Rubber sole IS 17012: 2018 High ankle tactical boots with PU – Rubber Sole – Specification 
Antiriot shoes IS 17037: 2018 Antiriot shoes – Specification 
10 Derby shoes IS 17043: 2018 Derby shoes – Specification 

BIS Certification for Rubber & Polymeric Material Footwear

The products embedded in the order ‘Footwear made from all-Rubber and all Polymeric material and its components (Quality Control) Order, 2020’ are rubber microcellular sheets, PVC sandal, all rubber gumboots, and ankle boots, industrial and protective rubber knee and ankle boots, rubber slippers, rubber Hawaii chappal, PVC industrial boots, etc. This BIS Certification of footwear order is covering the quality control norms for footwear made from all rubber and polymeric material and its components.

Table Down Below explains kind of footwear, there standards and the title of standard for ‘Footwear made from all-Rubber and all Polymeric material and its components (Quality Control) Order, 2020’.

Name of Footwear Indian Standard Title of Indian Standard 
Industrial and protective rubber knee and ankle boots IS 5557: 2004 Industrial and protective rubber knee and ankle boots – Specification 
All rubber gum boots and ankle boots IS 5557 (Part 2): 2018 All rubber gum boots and ankle boots: Part 2 occupational purposes 
Molded solid rubber soles and heels IS 5676: 1995 Molded solid rubber soles and heels- Specification 
Rubber microcellular sheets for soles and heels IS 6664: 1992 Rubber microcellular sheets for soles and heels- Specification 
Solid PVC soles and heels IS 6664: 1992 Rubber microcellular sheets for soles and heels- Specification 
Solid PVC soles and heels IS 6719: 1972 Specification for solid PVC soles and heels 
PVC sandal IS 6721: 1972 Specification for PVC sandal 
Rubber HawaiChappal IS 10702: 1992 Rubber HawaiChappal- Specification 
Slipper, rubber IS 11544: 1986 Specification for slipper, rubber 
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)industrial boots IS 12254: 1993 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)industrial boots – Specification 
Polyurethane sole, semirigid IS 13893: 1994 Polyurethane sole, semirigid- Specification 
Unlined moulded rubber boots IS 13995: 1995 Unlined moulded rubber boots – Specification 
Moulded plastic, footwear-Lined, Unlined Polyurethane, boots for general industrial use IS 16645: 2018 Moulded plastics footwear- Lined or Unlined polyurethane boots for general industrial use- Specification 
Footwear for men and women for municipal scavenging work IS 16994: 2018 Footwear for men and women for municipal scavenging work 

BIS Standards for PPE Footwear

The order ‘Personal Protective Equipment Footwear (Quality Control) Order, 2020’ covers the personal protective equipment-footwear.

Name of Footwear Indian Standard Title of Indian Standard 
Personal Protective Equipment – Footwear IS 15298 (Part 2): 2016
IS 15298 (Part 3): 2019
IS 15298 (Part 4) :2017
Personal protective equipment – Part 2 Safety Footwear
Personal protective equipment – Part 3 Protective Footwear 
Personal protective equipment – Part 4 Occupational Footwear

It is to be notified that these items cannot be sold, produced, traded, imported, or stocked unless they have a standard mark (ISI mark). These orders of Mandatory BIS Certification for Footwear, which present new quality control norms, will not apply to articles or goods meant for export purposes. All three orders state that the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the enforcing and certifying authority for the products listed in the order. The shoes manufacturer will have to obtain a Bureau of Indian Standards license from the bureau to use the ISI mark on footwear.

Process of BIS Certification for Footwear

As per DPIIT’s Quality Control Orders on Footwear Products, 27 footwear products have been brought under mandatory BIS certification. First, you must identify the Indian Standard for your product. Read the Indian Standard and ensure that your product meets the requirements specified in the Indian Standard and that your unit has the necessary manufacturing and testing facilities as specified in the Indian Standard. After that, you must create login credentials on BIS Manakonline login portal to apply for BIS Licence for your footwear. There are two modes of application for BIS license: Normal procedure and simplified procedure.

The following are the Normal procedures for getting BIS certification for footwear:

Step 1Documentation before submission of application
Step 2Submission of application with requisite documents to BIS
Step 3Scrutiny of application by BIS officials
Step 4Nomination of auditor for Audit by BIS
Step 5Audit of manufacturing premises by BIS auditor
Step 6Sample draw for independent testing
Step 7Sample testing in BIS approved laboratory
Step 8Grant of BIS license to footwear manufacturer


Document Required for BIS Certification for Footwear

The following essential documents are required for BIS Certification for footwear:

  1. Factory Registration Documents & information
  2. Identity proof
  3. Manufacturing process flow chart
  4. Details of Authorized Signatory and other related documents.
  5. Adequate testing facilities
  6. Quality Control Parameters and their records
  7. Laboratory testing report and other information as per BIS norm

BIS certification for any product is a complex and time-consuming process that begins with product development and validation and continues through the BIS certification process.